Do you think our lives are predestined? Do our genetics determine our natural abilities? What
role do our life experiences and the nature of our environment affect how those genetic
characteristics are nurtured or hindered? How do our choices and actions affect our life
experiences? What power and abilities do we have to determine our own destiny?
Approaching these questions from a spiritual perspective, what difference does it make to
believe that we, like all creation, have been created by the Infinite Invisible Force from Itself? If
we are made from Divine Stuff, then it follows that our nature is Naturally Divine! This is what
it means to be “made in the image and likeness of God.”
In science, inertia means that unless acted upon by an external force, an object at rest will
remain at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion along a straight line. Similarly, our
lives will continue along their existing path unless we change our beliefs and expectations,
which, in turn, shift our thoughts and actions. It is the indwelling presence of God that reveals
to us the greater possibilities for our lives.
Involution is the process of Spirit, the One Life that is God, moving from potential into form as
explained by Thomas Troward in Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning. This manifestation process
allows Spirit to express Itself as the Infinite array of forms present throughout the Universe.
Each form, each rock, each plant, each living creature, and each human being, is naturally
Divine and always part of the One Life that is God.
Once in form, the ongoing urge of Spirit is to evolve towards an ever more perfect expression of
Its Divine qualities and a reconnection of the many as One. Human beings have the mental and
emotional ability to recognize that the Indwelling Presence of God reveals Truth, including our
higher potential, through our intuitive and spiritual nature. When we shift our thoughts from
the way things have always been to the greater possibilities revealed by the indwelling
Presence, those greater possibilities begin to manifest in our lives. In this way, our seemingly
limited physical existence is transformed to a soul freed to consciously know and experience
what it means to be Naturally Divine.
Love and light,
Rev. Pam