CSL Tahoe-Truckee Practitioners

A Practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding, trained in the study of the Science of Mind, and in the art, science and skill of Affirmative Prayer. Our practitioners are dedicated to the cause of helping others, licensed to practice professionally, and bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy.

Donna Axton


Michael Brandman


Carol Dal Bon


Nancy O’Neill


Prayer Request

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In the broadest sense, a practitioner is anyone who uses the Science of Mind and Affirmative Prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment) specifically, to produce specific results in their life experience.  Generally, however, the term “Practitioner” is reserved for professionally Licensed Spiritual Practitioners, also known as Religious Science Practitioners (RScP), who are licensed under the authority of the Centers for Spiritual Living.

In the CSL, a Practitioner is a person who has successfully completed four years of accredited Science of Mind classes, including two years of intensive professional training to become a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner.  After completing their training, each Practitioner candidate must pass a written licensing exam as well as approval by an oral panel.  The Practitioner’s purpose is to see and recognize the spiritual perfection of the person coming to them, and in so doing, allow that perfection to be realized in the physical realm.  This means that a Practitioner is not a counselor, nor do they give advice.  Instead, a Practitioner is trained and licensed to perform Affirmative Prayer/Spiritual Mind Treatment for others.

All professional Licensed Spiritual Practitioners are directly responsible to the Senior Minister/Spiritual Leader, who oversees their license.  Their services are professional and there is a fee, however no one is ever turned away.


One might use the services of a licensed Spiritual Practitioner when one is “emotionally entangled” or too close to a problem or situation to consciously know the Spiritual Truth about themselves.  The Spiritual Practitioner practices mental and spiritual healing and assists an individual to accept a healing of their consciousness, allowing the reflection of Truth in the physical body and/or in body of affairs (body of experience).

One might also use the services of a licensed Spiritual Practitioner when a change is desired.  There are times when we don’t have a “problem,” but we do desire some positive change, want MORE good, or want a fuller expression of our God-Self.

The Spiritual Practitioner is available to assist you as “An Agent of Change,” opening one’s thoughts to the possibility, and the expression of more “LIVING-NESS.”   They will guide you to listen to the voice of Spirit within you and shift to a conscious state of “being” whole, perfect and complete.


Every Sunday, there is an opportunity to place a ‘Prayer Request’ on cards specifically provided for that use.  These request cards may be filled out and dropped in the Prayer Request Box, given to a Spiritual Practitioner on duty, or given to one of the Ministers.  You may also place a prayer request on our website (www.tahoecsl.org) or by calling our office (530-553-1700).  The requests receive Affirmative Prayer from our Practitioners.  These requests are kept in strictest confidence and are provided free of charge as a service to the congregation by the Spiritual Practitioners.  Love offerings are gratefully accepted.

The ‘On-duty’ Spiritual Practitioners are also available after the Sunday Service specifically to support your desired outcome through a brief prayer.  On Sundays, this is our gift to you.

If you make an appointment with a professional Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, each practitioner establishes their fee per session which typically ranges from $35 to $75.  During a full-length session, a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner will facilitate clarity regarding any issues or habitual thought patterns for the purpose of uncovering current limiting beliefs and establishing a new belief.  All sessions end with prayer for the realization of your new belief.

Spiritual Counseling is also available with our ministerial staff, and is valued at $50 to $100 per session, again depending on the Minister.  All counseling sessions include a treatment.

All CSL services are available to everyone; services are never withheld because of an individual’s financial challenge.  Instead, additional prayer is done for that individual’s recognition and acceptance of Divine Abundance.  If you are in need of spiritual assistance, please call.  That’s why we are here.