One of the strongest needs of the soul is for community, to belong. Loneliness is a common
complaint in our society, and the recent collective pandemic experience has only exacerbated
our feelings of separation. Sometimes people hold back, clinging to their loneliness while they
wait for a community to seek them out. To be seen and recognized for who they are is their
deep longing. The spiritual truth is that we already belong by the simple fact that we are here.
We are each made of God stuff that belongs with all the rest of the God stuff – which is all of
If we already belong, then why don’t we feel that way?
Thomas Moore says, “’Belonging’ is an active verb, something we do positively.” In Science of
Mind we recognize that the world mirrors back to us our own beliefs. An old adage suggests,
“To have a friend, be a friend.” Connection begins by being willing to reach out towards our
fellow human beings. That can be pretty scary! The fear of being rejected can be
In a Beloved Community, we create the warm, welcoming and loving space for each other and
for newcomers to be seen and accepted just as they are. Each member feels that they belong,
that they are loved. This sense of belonging arises because we love and contribute to the
spiritual community. Our own actions of loving service create the bonds that tie us together
with other community members.
By definition, the Beloved Community is a sacred, safe and intimate place to evolve spiritually.
We feel the freedom of being vulnerable as we stretch beyond our comfort zones with all its
messiness. Our conversations dive beneath the everyday world to explore our connection with
the Divine, the Infinite Invisible. We open up to the infinite possibilities of being fully alive.
Our intention as CSL Tahoe-Truckee is to be part of the Beloved Community. Here we
experience shared belonging. Here we experience wholeness as an individual and through our
collective expression of Oneness. I am grateful to belong.
Love and Light,
Rev. Pam