As a child I remember playing house. My friends and I would act out the roles we observed of
our mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. Typical scenes included setting up, decorating and
cleaning the house; taking care of the baby; going to work and school; maybe even going on a
fun vacation. As we grew up, we each formed ideas of our dream home, which may or may not
resemble our actual home environments.
As we mature into adults, we leave our childhood home and venture out on our hero’s journey.
We may be seeking a person, place, thing or belief to fulfill our longed for ideal dream home, a
place where we will always be safe and unconditionally loved and accepted. As we traveled the
hero’s journey during the last month, we left our homes, encountered danger and misfortune,
and learned to courageously confront our fears. This transformation process revealed the
presence of our Inner Guide, our Spiritual Self, who helped us discern the difference between
society’s expectations for us, our ego’s demands and illusions, and our True Self. David Richo
says that “love is our true identity beyond ego.”
When we learn to live from a consciousness of unconditional love – for ourselves and others –
we are empowered to be self-reliant. No longer do we angrily blame our parents and our
childhood for whatever we don’t like about our current life. We are able to forgive our parents
for their shortcomings. They are only human. We learn to self-parent. We drop our
expectations that others must fulfill our needs. We make our own choices. We develop a
newly-found ability to rely upon ourselves, supported by Spirit, the Infinite Source, to care for
our needs.
In this transformed consciousness, we can firmly establish ourselves in our Inner Home, a home
grounded in and fully supported by Spirit. We are free to experience living in our dream home,
the home we always wanted for ourselves. And even better, just like a snail, we can take our
dream home with us wherever we go.
Love and light,
Rev. Pam