During the month of October we have focused on the freedom of being in the midst of the
Infinite Flow of Life. Our Divine Source is always giving of Itself, seeking to express Itself in us,
through us and as us.
Once we learn to receive with our arms and hearts wide open, we continue the circular flow of
Good by assimilating some of the flow to support our physical and financial well-being, and
then releasing the Infinite Flow to Its next stopover. There are two basic types of release when
we share our wealth: 1) Spending money in exchange for goods and services we choose, and 2)
Giving, donating and tithing. When we give with gratitude, we use money to create greater
Good in the world without any expectation of return or exchange.
Tithing is the ancient practice of giving ten percent of our income to support our spiritual
source. Sometimes people have difficulty with this spiritual practice and object to feeling
obligated to give a tenth of their income to a church, Center, Synagogue or spiritual teacher.
Jesus criticized the tithing practices of the Pharisees when he said,
“Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other
kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have
practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.” Luke 11:42 NIV
More important than calculating an exact tenth for our tithe, Jesus was suggesting that we give
with love and seek to treat all people justly with an equitable distribution of resources. Our
fellow human beings are just like us, a part of the One Life that is God. Yes, it is important to
give to the people and institutions that inspire us and support our spiritual growth, but it is also
essential that we lovingly sponsor people and institutions that lift up humanity to a higher level
of existence.
The purpose of our parent organization, the Centers for Spiritual Living, is “To awaken humanity
to its spiritual magnificence.” We do this by receiving the Infinite Abundance continuously
supporting our lives and lovingly sharing it with our spiritual teachers, our spiritual community
and in other ways that nurture the spiritual and physical well-being of all people. Together we
lift up all people to manifest heaven on earth.
Love and light,
Rev. Pam