One of my favorite games as a girl was Monopoly. I loved the feeling of starting off with lots of brightly colored money and then using the money strategically to purchase properties and houses, pay and collect rent, and, hopefully, win the game! But it was a game – no one really went bankrupt and no one really took over the whole world’s assets. In real life, the consequences of winning and losing the money game can seem to provide promises of lucrative rewards or a haunting fear of failure.
From a spiritual viewpoint, money is a Divine idea of energy circulating in the human world. It is neither good nor bad. It is not something evil to avoid or something to be worshipped. Instead money is always flowing. We are always giving and receiving time, energy, ideas, money, actions and love. The Infinite Invisible has plenty to supply everyone with all we need and more!
In Spiritual Economics, Eric Butterworth has said, “Security is not found in things. You are not secure because of a bank account. You are not secure because of your investments or your possessions. Security can be experienced in one way only – by identifying yourself as a channel for the flow of Infinite Mind.” (p. 142.) What is important is our motivation. Are we investing to “make a killing” and large profits or are we investing in “consciousness of the divine flow” in companies, homes, college savings accounts, a new business or whatever investment we choose? Each investment is a channel for the Divine to manifest.
Our ultimate security is faith in the reliable continuity of the Divine Infinite Supply of energy, ideas, money and love that support us from within and from without. As we bless and give gratitude for the Divine Flow in, through and as our lives, we find ourselves centered in God. We are in the midst of the Divine Creative Flow that joyfully lives, moves and has Its Being as us. Let’s play together!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam