Last week we began our discussion of Living Everyday Wonder – Finances with the fundamental spiritual principle that God is all there is. As the Infinite Invisible, Universal Abundance flows throughout all of creation. There is no place where God is not.
Divine Abundance manifests as prosperity, love, health, creativity and many different forms. Why then, do so many people not personally experience universal abundance in their lives?
Think of Universal Abundance as the continuous flow from the Infinite Divine Source through a hose into our lives. We make two choices that control the flow. The first is that we choose where to direct the flow. We will talk more about this choice next week. The second choice is the size of the hose and whether we stand on top of the hose and slow the flow down to a trickle or take our foot off the hose and let Universal Abundance flow into our lives.
Our consciousness and our belief system are what control and limit the Divine Flow. If we want to open up the flow, we begin by asking ourselves what we believe about money and prosperity. Do we believe that money is sacred and spiritual energy or the root of all evil? Do we believe that we deserve to prosper or that we must give up our dreams and limit our inner creativity in order to pay the bills and get by? Is money to be hoarded for a “rainy day” or spent freely as soon as it arrives? Or there is a guilty feeling of “How dare we prosper when others are suffering?”
The next step is to ask ourselves where we acquired these beliefs. Whatever they are, the Universe is always saying, “Yes, you are right!” and creating our life experiences to match our beliefs. It is our beliefs – not our wishful hopes – that set the limits for our abundance. By connecting with the Divine as the Infinite Creative Force seeking to express Itself through us, we can allow our consciousness to expand and to see the actual Spiritual Truth that we were created to prosper. We can ask, “Which of our beliefs are actually true and which beliefs can be replaced with a higher understanding and acceptance of Divine Abundance?” By letting go of our false beliefs, we learn to bravely and consciously take our foot off the hose and Let It Flow!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam