Creation is always happening. We can choose to live in the five-sensory world, the material world, and learn to build an external physical existence that follows all the scientific laws. Why then does it seem so hard sometimes? Why does it seem that we are just recreating the past, like it or not? Or perhaps we are pursuing a future that never seems to arrive, that is always just beyond the next bend in the road.
In the midst of it all, there is a Voice calling from deep within our soul. What if we answer that call and choose a path of awareness, an awareness that the Power and Presence of something greater than ourselves is calling us inward and upward? That something greater is the Universe, God. We are each incarnated souls that are an individualized part of the Universe. We are the ways in which God “shows up” in the world.
To express Itself, the Infinite Creator endows each soul with its unique gifts, its unique mission. In order to discover our authentic self, we undergo a training program in the Earth School. One path is to function solely at the physical level. Here we learn by trial and error, through pain and sometimes fleeting pleasure generated in response to our decisions, our anger or judgment. We are limited by fear and by desires that seem to never be completely fulfilled.
The other path is to turn within and to listen to that voice within our soul. As we trust the Voice of Spirit within, we learn to become conscious of the Universe flowing through our soul. Our heart opens wide. We learn to love. We learn to feel the Divine Intentions in our heart and trust them. God is not in our intellect, but in our heart. There we discover Divine Intelligence, Divine Creativity, and our authentic Self. We learn to live from the inside out. When we say Yes to the YES, we agree to partner with God and to co-create a world that works for everyone. That is how we learn to evolve upward and release our “imprisoned splendor.”
Love and light,
Rev. Pam