The first realm where we begin this year’s journey through “Living Everyday Wonder” is our Inner Life. In Science of Mind, we teach that our physical world mirrors what is going on in our inner life, within our minds, our beliefs and expectations. Proverbs 23:7 tells us “as a man or woman thinks in their heart, so are they.” When we describe ourselves at the physical level as the bodies of flesh and bone walking around the earth, we see ourselves as separate from everyone else, from the rest of life. Through contemplation at the inner level, we discover that we are part of something greater than ourselves. We discover the One Infinite Source that has created everything from Itself. Each person, including you and me, is an individualized expression of that One Life. This is the true essence of who we are: an embodiment of Spirit.
Since we have each been made in the image and likeness of God, this means that, just like a hologram, whatever is true about God, is also true about us. Since God is Love, we are Love. Since God is Infinite Peace, our true nature is deep, abiding Peace. Since God is Beauty, we express Beauty in the world when we allow our Divine Inner Beauty to shine through our eyes, our hearts, our voices and our actions.
A spiritual principle that governs our earthly experience is that our thought is creative. Life appears to us as we believe it to be. When we believe ourselves to be separate from our Source, we shut ourselves off from the Infinite Love, Wisdom and Beauty that are our Divine birthright. We are left alone to function all on our own. When we turn within and realize that our True Essence is as part of the Infinite One, we open up our awareness to the Divine qualities and possibilities that are available to us. At any given moment we have the choice to rely on the limited strengths and resources of our physical being or to turn within and open up to our True Essence as part of the Infinite One.
This is the gift of seeing God within ourselves. When we think that we are alone, that we are not enough, our lives will appear limited and full of struggle. When we see the Presence of God within our hearts and minds, we remember that who we really are is our Higher Self, the inner Self that knows it is One with God. When let go of the belief that we are alone and that our efforts and our love are not enough, we open ourselves to experience the Infinite Love of God that is always ready to flow in us, through us, and as us as a blessing to the world.
Love and light,
Rev Pam