This week we commemorate Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.  In ancient Middle Eastern countries, leaders rode on horses when they went into war, but chose…

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Say Yes to the YES!

Creation is always happening.  We can choose to live in the five-sensory world, the material world, and learn to build an external physical existence that follows all the scientific laws. …

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So Happy Together

Whenever humans celebrate the joy of life transitions like weddings, baby showers, and graduations, we love to celebrate together with our family and friends. Sharing these events together as a…

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Forgive to Live

It is the nature of God, the Infinite Invisible, to give Itself, to give Life in all its fullness to the Universe and to everyone alike.  It gives everything and…

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Can I See the God in Me?

The first realm where we begin this year’s journey through “Living Everyday Wonder” is our Inner Life.  In Science of Mind, we teach that our physical world mirrors what is…

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Provable scientific laws govern our universe.  For example, Isaac Newton watched an apple fall (legend has it that it fell on his head!) and formulated the law of gravity.  He…

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