What did you hear people say about money as you were growing up? Did you see money as
sacred energy that is a conduit for Divine Good to fill our lives and share with the world? Or
were you taught that asking for money was wrong, that humans must suffer poverty and misery
to be redeemed? Were you taught to feel guilty about making too much or too little money or
did your family live in gratitude for the bountiful gifts of the Spirit that are continuously poured
into our lives?
This month we have been focusing on the Infinite Divine Flow of Abundance. Once we realize
that we are immersed in the Divine Flow, we can experience the Life of the Spirit in all Its
fullness. It is through us that Spirit is manifesting Itself in the world in greater and greater
measure. As we clean our minds and thoughts and remove these old money myths with their
vicious circle of limitation, we can turn to Spirit for inspiration in the greater possibilities that
are available to us.
In this receptive state of mind, we set our intention to align our vision with the Omniscient
awareness of Spirit rather than settling for the so called “tried and true experiences” that have
limited our world in the past. In the Dore Lectures, Thomas Troward said, “…however good
and beautiful the existing forms may be, we may always rest in the happy expectation of
something still better to come.” When we trust in the Infinite Divine Flow of Abundance, we
can be free of worry and anxiety. Our responsibility is to stay our thoughts on the fullness of
Life, Love and Beauty that are our Divine Birthright. That intention opens our mind and whole
being to be a wide open conduit for Good.
Money, as a tool of Spirit, is just one aspect of the Abundant Flow of Life and Goodness that
expresses Itself in our lives and all our affairs. It is time to clean our mental house and embrace
the magnificent and abundant Divine Intention for our life and share it with the world!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam