Some of the most painful experiences of my life have been when I felt like I was between a rock and a hard spot. No matter which way I turned, my way forward was blocked. I was locked in so tightly that I could not escape by going upwards, backwards or downwards. All my efforts to escape seemed like pointless struggle. What could I do?
When I finally gave up, I surrendered. My ego was screaming, “Do something!” But my mind could see no way out. I surrendered to what was.
And that was when my transformation began. As I stopped resisting, the rock seemed to soften. I could breathe. My pounding heart began calming down. I seemed to be carried along by the flow of water around me. The rock and I were just parts of the mighty River of Life that was flowing along. It felt like an inner gyroscope was orienting me. I could tell up from down and right myself in the flow. The way forward was clear as I floated along in the River’s flow, everyone and everything flowing downstream together as One. I didn’t need to swim upstream against the flow or sideways. I could just flow forward. I began to relax.
And then a voice within my Heart of Hearts said quietly, “Trust me. Trust me.” All feelings of panic and despair were dispelled. In their place a calm sense of serenity filled my being. All was well. I could trust that I was safely in the midst of the flow of Life Itself, the Infinite Invisible. Everything that had so recently seemed like chaos around me was just part of the flow. I could sense an invisible matrix connecting everything together in an underlying harmony. We were all in this together.
As I relaxed in the flow, I soon came to a new place, one that had never been in my dreams of possibilities. And yet this new possibility was the perfect answer to my prayers. Only when I let go of what I had thought was of paramount importance, could Spirit move me to my greater yet to be. The serenity of surrender revealed the Spiritual Truth that all of Life is in alignment. I had surrendered to my Good and discovered my Greater Self. In surrender I was free!
See you at The Serenity of Surrender retreat this weekend at Ananda’s Expanding Light Retreat Center!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam