When I realized that this coming Sunday, May 8, is Mother’s Day, I began wondering how the fear factor ties into a mother’s love. Fear, otherwise known as False Evidence Appearing Real, seemed disconnected from the warm feelings of motherly love and gratitude that we typically associate with Mother’s Day. The wheels of my mind spun without any traction. Do I change the topic? Forget about Mother’s Day? That option felt ungrateful and uncaring, particularly since I am a mother myself! What do I do?
One night this week I had trouble sleeping. My thoughts were racing as I ruminated about the many distressing incidents of the week for myself and loved ones: car troubles, projects that would not come to a conclusion, relationship issues, and financial stress. My worst fears kept increasing my visions of how everything could get even worse! How could I stop the thoughts so I could get back to sleep?
As I prayed for an answer, that still small voice of Spirit gently suggested that I surrender. “Surrender?” I thought. “Give up and surrender as a victim in despair?”
“No,” Spirit replied. “Surrender into the Power and Presence of the Divine.”
The thoughts paused for a moment. I remembered to let go and let God take over. Tomorrow was a new day. For now I could surrender into the loving arms of the Infinite Invisible. It felt like relaxing into my mother’s arms. I was safe and loved completely. My fears dissolved, replaced by my absolute faith in the Power and Presence of the Divine. All was well, and I drifted off into blissful sleep.
In the morning I awakened, refreshed and renewed. Somehow Spirit had hit reset during the night, so I set off on a new day full of love and joy, Divine Guidance and positive expectations. Thank you Divine Mother!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam