This Sunday CSL Tahoe-Truckee is hosting Rev. Dr. Melissa Phillippe and Rev. Z Egloff, also known as Melissa and Z, as both our Sunday morning guest speakers and musicians. Their topic, “Who You Gonna Call?” reminds us, with humor and inspiration, that since there is only One Power and Presence in the Universe, contacting the One is always our best bet!
In the Science of Mind, we believe that we are each an individualized expression of the One Life that is God, Universal Spirit, Infinite Love or whatever name we choose to call the One Power and Presence. This means that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. According to our founder, Ernest Holmes,
“We understand that health is a mental as well as a physical state.” Consequently, what we believe in our minds affects our physical bodies. Holmes continued,
“…we believe that [a person’s] life is a drama which takes place on three planes: the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. We have no objection to any form of healing, for anything that helps to overcome suffering is good, whether it be a pill or a prayer. We believe in any method which produces results, for each has its place in the Whole.” Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, 1938, pages 190- 191.
In the practice of spiritual healing, we begin with the spiritual principle that there is perfect God, perfect person, perfect being. As we learn to focus our mental awareness on this spiritual Truth of who we are and develop a “deep inner conviction of its reality,” we open the pathway for the “health and happiness which are humankind’s normal and divine heritage” to manifest in our lives. Once we see our wholeness mentally, it creates a blueprint for the Infinite Invisible to follow in Its ever ongoing Creative Process.
This Mind/Body Healing process is the topic for the Truth in Love Communication workshop that Melissa and Z will also facilitate this Sunday from Noon to 2 pm. Their workshop also draws on the Mind/Body healing process developed by Dr. John E. Sarno, who published his method in his New York Times best seller, “Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection.” Know that you are a Divine Creation ready to be healed!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam