A great cook knows how to mix just the right quantities of selected spices to transform a bland dinner into an exquisite sensation for our taste buds. In much the same way, our emotions let us know we are alive. During May we will delve into four key emotions: anger, fear, happiness and sadness. How we respond to those emotions will decide whether we spiral out of control or we are able to face our emotions from a place of balance and wholeness.
Our emotions and feelings provide clues to our hidden beliefs, both true and false. When we are able to observe our difficult or overwhelming emotions with curiosity and wonderment, we can discover the blessings that lead to greater understanding of ourselves and inner growth.
One way to respond to those emotions is to bury them deep in our psyche, never allowing them to see the light of day, much less our acknowledgement or reflection. When we do so, we also bury a part of ourselves as a shadow self that also never gets to breathe in the fresh air of life.
Another way to respond to “undesired” emotions is to pray them away. This approach creates a spiritual bypass by preventing us from processing those emotions and learning from the messages and lessons they bring. We might not spiral downward, but we don’t have the opportunity to heal old wounds or to release resentment, blame and unenforceable expectations. These unexamined beliefs and experiences can hinder us from ever living the life we want to live, including creating happy and fulfilling relationships.
One more way to respond to our emotions is to first center and balance ourselves with spiritual practice. Then we can look those troublesome emotions in the face with courage, strength and the benefit of Divine Guidance. When our emotions get triggered, whether they are painful, blissful or just a tender vulnerability, those emotions are sign posts guiding us to acknowledge and reflect the underlying beliefs and expectations that have been uncovered. By continuing our spiritual practices, we will have the gentle focus, curiosity and inner strength to go deeper as we explore who we are and learn how we can heal old hurts. Eventually we can learn to live a balanced life of harmony and wellbeing spiced by the perfect spicy blend of healthy emotions.
Love and light,
Rev. Pam