As 2021 draws to an end, we pause to reflect on the journey we have traveled together in the last year: our challenges, our victories, our inner growth, and the cherished memories along the way. Just as the days grow shorter leading up to the Winter Solstice, we go within to consider who we are and where we want to go in the future. How will it be the same? How will it be different? We reach a point of complete stillness, of just being. And then the sun begins to shine for a little longer every day. From the many possibilities, we choose how to renew our lives in the New Year, how we can follow Spirit’s calling to be more perfect embodiments of the Divine qualities of love, peace and joy.
The Winter Solstice symbolically represents that when the light surrenders to the darkness, it is born anew. Similarly, as we surrender our sense of separation from God and everyone else in the world, we discover what has always been true: we are wholly part of the One Life that is God. As this Spiritual Truth becomes expressed in our lives, we, too, are born anew.
Many of the world’s religions celebrate this annual transition with festivals of light and new birth. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus and the message of living a life based on Love and everlasting life that He brought to the world. Jews celebrate Hanukkah and remember the miracle of trusting in God as our Source when the oil lamp that appeared to only have enough oil to burn for one day continued to burn for the eight days of Hanukkah. In the Buddhist tradition, they celebrate Bodhi Day, December 8 (Rohatsu) when the Buddha attained enlightenment. Although enlightenment occurred in an instant, it was preceded by many years of meditation and progressive spiritual growth before Buddha completely surrendered to the One. Muslims practice surrendering to God five times a day when they pray and submit themselves to Allah, to God.
This month the CSLs are celebrating the Journey of Becoming. This week we begin by surrendering, not to chaos, but to Divine Order. We surrender our egos and determined individuality to remember that we are part of the One Life that is God. By surrendering, we are unified with something greater than ourselves. We become empowered to take action and fulfill our part of creating a world that works for everyone.
Love and light,
Rev Pam