During the last year we have each made a journey through uncharted territory. As the COVID pandemic went on and on, we learned to spend more time alone and listening to our own voice – and the voice of Spirit within. We asked questions like: What really is important in my life? What possibilities are open to me? What gives my life meaning? Where I do I find love, peace, security, and joy? We considered how we could best protect ourselves and our families with prayer, masks, social distancing and vaccinations.
For me, many answers were revealed as I made the journey inward and discovered at an even deeper level, that Spirit is always there within my heart, closer than my breath, loving me, guiding me and expressing Itself as me. Ernest Holmes described this awareness of who we are in Living the Science of Mind: “There is an invisible Presence hidden within us which has Its source in a higher Power, and which acts through our actions, wills through our minds, and reveals Itself in what we are doing.” We are One with Spirit.
We have also journeyed together as a spiritual community, the Center for Spiritual Living Tahoe-Truckee. Our vision is “Embracing all and serving with love while awakening to the One.” During the pandemic we have spent time together nurturing our spirits, listening to the voice of Spirit within, and being together as a spiritual community that cares about each other and our fellow human beings. We learned to meet together virtually on zoom and via YouTube recordings and Facebook. Last year we had a drive-thru Thanksgiving with pumpkin pie; this year we are meeting together for a full Thanksgiving Potluck with masks and vaccinations to protect us. Our Center continued to tithe to the Centers for Spiritual Living that has been providing classes, virtual ministry training, online New Thought music concerts and inspiration. We have also shared our tithes with local organizations that have been helping people who found themselves hungry, homeless, or needed other support during the pandemic.
We are so grateful that we have completed this journey to wholeness together, towards discovering our true identity as expressions of the Divine. Our journey has brought growth, expansion, evolution and new understanding. We celebrate reaching this summit and breathe in the view. At this time of Thanksgiving, we express our gratitude by sharing our joy, our love, our abundance and our talents with our families, our spiritual community and the world! We are blessed. All is well!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam