This month we have been exploring the spiritual practice of Visioning. Through Visioning, we open our hearts and minds to the Direct Revelation of Spiritual Truth. We begin by being still, listening to the voice of Spirit within us and getting comfortable living with the question: “What is Spirit’s Highest Vision of Itself as Me?” Note that the question is not about what our ego’s highest goal is, but instead, “How does Infinite Spirit intend to express Itself in me, through me and as me?”
Next we release all of our beliefs, habits, fears and “should’s” that block our vision of Spirit’s Higher Possibilities for our Higher Self. That Self is our Authentic Self, the Self that we have been created to be.
This week we focus on the qualities of God, of Spirit, that we must embrace with open arms in order to embody Spirit’s vision for our Higher Self. This is where the differences between visualization and visioning are important. In visualization we use our minds to visualize the details of what we want to create and the steps we will take to manifest that image. With Visioning, we let go of our preconceptions. As we align our conscious awareness with Spirit, our Source, we realize that we are One with Spirit. By releasing any resistance and letting God be our guide, we welcome Divine Unconditional Love and Support to fill our being.
In this state of expanded awareness, we are able to see the qualities of God that are also the Spiritual Truth of our Higher Self. In his book Life Visioning, Michael Beckwith suggests that “By asking what qualities you must cultivate in support of your vision, you come into direct contact with your growing edge.” These qualities are already a part of who we are! Our task is to embrace those qualities with open arms and nurture them.
A pine tree seed is as much a pine tree as is a seedling or a mighty pine tree towering over the landscape. All have the qualities of a divinely created pine tree. We, too, already have all the qualities of our Higher Self. As we embody those qualities and are willing to allow Spirit to express Itself as us, life unfolds in miraculous ways!
Love and light,
Rev. Pam Cosby Brandman